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Reading Month - Communicate with Love

Lee Sunny Worldwide Logistics 2023-07-19 16:13:30

Sunny Worldwide Logistics The June reading "Nonviolent Communication", this book allows us to personally experience and understand, in life, to family and friends, at work, to colleagues and subordinates, and the expressions we blurt out inadvertently, may bring to each other hurt. This book warns us not to be judged by emotions, and to achieve good love communication through the four elements of observation, feeling, need, and request.

Reading Month - Communicate with Love,Sunny Worldwide Logistics

one, The importance of communication

Maybe we never thought we talked in the same wayThe word "violence" is often linked to it, but our language does often induce pain in ourselves and in others. Learning to communicate is an important course, worthy of our long-term study and dedicated research, let love flow, start from me.


two, share insights from the book

Susan: We habitually confuse observation and comment, especially in the communication with our daughter and husband. From the book, we found that changing the expression not only makes the other party sound more comfortable but also more listenable, forming a good communication.

Chelsea: To achieve effective communication in a different way, to cite real examples to express is to observe, and to draw conclusions directly is to comment. In real life, we often say our own comments habitually, forgetting to express objectively. Remind yourself in the next moment.

Joey: Listen clearly to the needs of others, help others express their needs, learn to listen, and communicate better. Start with yourself, starting with non-violent communication.

Jolie: A word from the child made me suddenly realize that language can also have "violence". Learning to listen to children's needs and express their own requests is a crucial link.


classic quotes

1.Observation without comment is the highest form of human intelligence;

2.We can replace language that evades responsibility with responsible language;

3.We are fully responsible for our own wishes, feelings and actions;

4.The most important application of NVC is to develop love for self;

5.Whatever you choose to do, understand why you do it;

6.Let our actions be based on the love of life, not fear, guilt, shame or obligation;

7.The more you can listen to others, the more likely you are to be listened to.


three, Learn to be the master of life

We help others out of love, not out of fear, guilt or shame. Express yourself, care for others, and be the master of your life.

Sunny Worldwide LogisticsThe atmosphere in the company has always been very good. This is inseparable from the love and care of every partner. When we treat each other with sincerity, our communication will become smooth and comfortable. Here will also be another home where love can flow. Be the masters of your life together.

Reading Month - Communicate with Love,Sunny Worldwide Logistics