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When the weight of the container exceeds the maximum weight limit, it can be handled like this!

Zeng Min https://www.seabay.cn/article/33044.html 2023-07-11 18:12:52

When the weight of the container exceeds the maximum weight limit, it can be handled like this!


First, exceed the container itself limit weight

The opening door of each container has the maximum weight information, such as MAX GROSS :30480KGS. It means that your suitcase and cargo can not exceed this weight. Tare --20GP: 2200KGS,40 :3.720-4200KGS, some HQ will have MAX GROSS: 32000KGS.

This is the maximum strength that the container box can withstand, loading exceeds this limit, the box may be deformed, the bottom plate falls off, the top beam is bent and other damage, all the resulting losses will be borne by the loader. At present, most professional container terminals in China have installed automatic weighers, so as long as the container is loaded beyond the box weight limit, the terminal will refuse to receive the container. Therefore, it is recommended that you see the weight limit on the container box before packing to avoid unnecessary reloading operations.

If the goods are really overweight and can not be divided, then you can choose overweight boxes. Usually, the dock/yard will stack the ordinary dry boxes of the shipping company together, if you want to choose one of the special weighted cabinets (such as the 20 weighted cabinets mentioned above), the dock/yard must search one by one, and the resulting cabinet selection fee is generally the same price as the designated cabinet fee.

Container transportation is a collaborative process involving multiple departments, so in addition to the weight limit of the container box itself, there are some other factors to consider.

Second, exceeding the container weight limit stipulated by the shipping company

Under normal circumstances, each shipping company has a different policy on the weight of the container, which is about the standard of not damaging the container.

Consider the balance between space and weight. Each container ship has a certain space and weight limit, but in a specific route, space and weight are not always just right balance. Contradictions often occur in the heavy cargo is relatively concentrated in North China, the weight of the ship has arrived, the space is much less, in order to make up for the loss of space, the shipping company often adopt a price strategy, that is, the cargo weight more than how many tons after the additional freight. There are also shipping companies that do not use their own ships, but buy the space of other shipping companies to transport, and the weight limit will be more strict, because the shipping space sales between shipping companies are calculated according to the standard of 1TEU=14TONS or 16TONS, and the excess weight will not be boarded.

In the period of bursting, according to the heat of the route, the shipping company will reduce the weight limit of each box type accordingly.

When booking space or at the latest shipment, you should ask the freight forwarder about the shipping company's container weight limit. If there is no confirmation and the goods are heavy goods then there is a risk, some shipping companies are overweight, there will be no room for communication, directly let the shipper drag the goods, out of the port, pick the goods, and then re-weigh. These costs are difficult to control.

Third, exceed the container weight limit stipulated by the port area

This is mainly to look at the mechanical equipment load of the dock and storage yard.

After the container ship docks, it generally needs the crane of the dock to load and unload, and then it is dragged to the container yard by truck and then lifted down by forklift. If the weight of the container exceeds the mechanical load, it will cause difficulties in the operation of the dock and storage yard. Therefore, for some small ports with relatively backward equipment, shipping companies generally inform the port's container weight limit in advance, and those exceeding this limit are not collected.

Fourth, more than the supporting branch ship or highway weight limit

People who have done the inland point of the United States have a deep understanding that the road transportation limit of the United States is very strict, because many containers need to use the collection card to drag the road to the inland after unloading at the port, so the road weight limit has also become the reason for the shipping company to limit the weight of the container, of course, only the port is not limited.

The requirements for container weight of goods to the United States line are very strict, and the weight limit is mainly affected by the road weight limit to the inland point of the United States, the general small cabinet 17.3 tons, and the large high cabinet 19.5 tons. However, according to different ports, there are also different weight limits.

Fifth, exceed the weight limit specified by the airline

Different routes, the shipping capacity is arranged according to the loading and unloading port connection order and the export type and heat of the goods, coupled with the load problem of the equipment operation at the destination port, the weight limit of the size of the container on different routes is naturally different.

What should I do if the container exceeds the weight limit? The following three situations are often encountered: exceeding the container weight limit stipulated by the shipping company, exceeding the container weight limit stipulated by the port area, and exceeding the weight limit stipulated by the route.


1, more than the shipping company stipulated container weight limit

Discuss with the shipowner, pay the overweight fee, the rest as normal.

2. Exceed the container weight limit stipulated by the port area

If you are found to be overweight when entering the port, you need to negotiate with the port area, pay the overweight fee plus manual settlement fee or take the box to reload.

3. Exceed the weight limit specified by the airline

General destination port after overweight within a certain range, pay a fine can be solved; If the heavy weight is serious, the crane can not be loaded along the way and can only be transferred in the nearby port or return to the original road.