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The United States announces the launch of a comprehensive Section 301 investigation into China’s logistics, maritime and shipbuilding industries.

Ting https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Ughxm8XaTu1iqgpU6-3Y3w 2024-04-18 09:27:24

Learned: On the morning of April 17th local time in the United States, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) suddenly issued an announcement: announcing the launch of a comprehensive 301 investigation into the three major fields of China’s maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industries!

▲The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced the launch of a Section 301 investigation into China’s maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industries

The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce later issued an emergency statement on the US launch of Section 301 investigation against China. China is strongly dissatisfied with this and firmly opposes it.

The Ministry of Commerce pointed out: The U.S. application is full of false accusations, misinterprets normal trade and investment activities as harming U.S. national security and corporate interests, and blames China for its own industrial problems. This lacks factual basis and goes against economic common sense. Multiple US research reports show that the US shipbuilding industry has lost its competitive advantage many years ago due to over-protection.

The United States provides hundreds of billions of dollars in discriminatory subsidies to its own industries, but accuses China of adopting so-called "non-market practices." In fact, the development of China's industries is the result of enterprises' technological innovation and active participation in market competition. The US accusation is simply untenable.

▲The Ministry of Commerce issued a statement on the 301 investigation launched by the United States against China

The previous U.S. government launched a Section 301 investigation against China and imposed additional tariffs on China. This was ruled by the WTO to violate WTO rules and was opposed by many WTO members. The United States has made repeated mistakes by launching a new Section 301 investigation out of domestic political needs.

We urge the United States to respect facts and multilateral rules, immediately stop its wrong practices, and return to the rules-based multilateral trading system. China will pay close attention to the progress of the investigation and will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend its rights and interests.

What does "301 investigation" in the United States refer to?

The 301 investigation is an investigation conducted by the United States in accordance with Section 301 (Section 301 refers to the entire content of Sections 1301-1310 of the Omnibus Trade and Competition Act of 1988). Its main meaning is to protect the rights of the United States in international trade. The United States can It investigates the trade practices of other countries that it deems "unfair" and can negotiate with the governments of relevant countries. Finally, the president decides to take retaliatory measures such as raising tariffs, restricting imports, and suspending relevant agreements.

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